Online Content Examples

Merchant List (Online)

By calling the /merchants endpoint, you can retrieve the full list of available online merchants for a particular brand / partner.

High-Value Parameters

Query-String Parameter Type Use-Case Default
with_offers integer Determines whether offers should be returned within the merchant object.

Supported values are:
1 - true
0 - false

category_id integer Filters merchant list by category (accepts comma separated list of category ids). null
elevated_only integer Only include merchants that currently have elevated rebates

Supported values are:
1 - true
0 - false

mobile_only integer Only merchants who track mobile traffic should be included in response.

Supported values are:
1 - true
0 - false

tablet_only integer Only merchants who track tablet traffic should be included in response.

Supported values are:
1 - true
0 - false

string Merchants by tag.

Example: "featured"

string Merchants by member-personalized data.

Supported values are:
fav - member’s favorite merchants
rec - member’s recommended merchants
all - favorite and recommended merchants

name string Filter by merchant name. Accepts partial and non-exact matches (to a degree). Can be used to approximate merchant search. null
offset integer Pagination parameter. Allows to specify desired position of the first item in the result set that matches the request. 0
limit integer Pagination parameter. Limits number of items returned in response. 50
sort_by string Determines a sort order of items in the response.

Supported values are:

sort_type string Determines direction of sorting.

Supported values are:


Example Call<pageId>&limit=2000&with_offers=1

Example Response

  "metadata": <Response_Metadata>,
  "response": [
      "id": 501,
      "name": "1-800 CONTACTS",
      "description": "1-800 CONTACTS is the world's largest contact lens store with over 20 million contacts in stock and over 2.5 million satisfied customers plus Free Shipping!",
      "disclaimer": " Not eligible on purchases made with coupon or discount codes that are not found on this site. Not eligible on gift cards, gift certificates or any other similar cash equivalents.",
      "logoUrls": {
        "_88x31": <cdn-url-for-88x31>,
        "_120x60": <cdn-url-for-120x60>
      "lifestyleImages": {
        "lifestyle_banner": <cdn-url-for-merchant-lifestyle-rectangle-1168x200>,
        "lifestyle_rectangle": <cdn-url-for-merchant-lifestyle-rectangle-1200x900>,
        "square_lifestyle_logo": null,
        "gift_card": null
      "flags": {
        "tracksMobile": true,
        "tracksTablet": true,
        "safariDoesNotTrack": false
      "rebate": <Merchant_Rebate>,
      "categories": [ <Merchant_Category>, <Merchant_Category>, ... ],
      "clickUrl": "https://<partner-mall-domain>/click.php?afsrc=1&c=318959&p=2395&d_chan=content_api&l=114369&gmid=501&r=3pts-%24",
      "offers": <Merchant_SpecialOfferCollection>,
      "offersCount": 4,
      "tiers": <Merchant_TieredRebateCollection>,
      "classification": <Merchant_Classification>

Examples of other contents are 'Category' and 'Point of Sale Offers'.